Amazon Business Marketing
Marketing collateral for Amazon Business. When I joined this was a newer department so it was a great challenge to learn about the B2B space and evolve the brand.
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Marketing collateral for Amazon Business. When I joined this was a newer department so it was a great challenge to learn about the B2B space and evolve the brand.
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Sample banners for the hero spot on the Amazon retail and Amazon Business retail pages. The Prime Day banner is a concept merging the papercraft style of’s Prime Day style with the Amazon Business style.
Amazon Business needed a unique identifier outside of the Amazon Box that could speak to the distinct benefits offered to businesses. The goal of this campaign was to create a new brand element that evoked business worldwide regardless of industry and company size. I conceived and directed this photo shoot which features the business card, a universal business tool, as an element that could be easily scaled to various regions and markets.
Sample promotional emails. Designed with email best practices as a priority.
Branding created for the Back to Business promotion. The purpose of the event is to drive registrations and spend. The mark is meant to represent growth and a solid business foundation. Shown are the event logo lockups and a sample assets created for various ad spots on the Amazon and Amazon Business sites. As the initial promotion proved successful, this is now an annual event for Amazon Business.