Xbox work including product detail pages for retail sites, digital banners, landing pages, emails, physical in-store advertising, product, and packaging. Involved from concept to completion, ensuring final assets are of high quality for global distribution to Xbox’s field team and retailers.
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Product detail pages
Product detail pages (PDPs) for online retail sites. The full bleed pages shown here were made with Amazon’s A+ guidelines in mind so they could be easily divided into chunks for posting within their content management system. Alternate modular versions of each page are made to fit the site specifications of other major retailers such as Gamestop and Best Buy.

Controller Campaign
Task was to provide concepts to showcase the colorful breadth of Xbox Elite controllers available. Parameters were that the ad be constructed so that controllers could be easily swapped by Xbox’s field team, who could have more limited knowledge of Photoshop. The design should also work as an animation, with the same consideration that controllers are easily swappable for future campaigns.
I used blocks of color so this would be a quick read and adaptable to the various sizes and aspect ratios requested - from the smallest at 728 x 90 to a tall social media post of 1000 x 1500.
After client decided to move ahead with this concept, I mocked up how the motion might work and collaborated with our web dev to make animated finals. The above images are from the digital banner set, (with print versions made as well); and a mockup of the animation with a placeholder headline.

We needed to create game of the year cover art for Microsoft Flight Simulator retaining the same basic layout for customer recognition. To convey a premium feeling to this edition, a gold element was to be introduced in some manner.
An initial approach of making the sky gold didn’t land because it was unpleasantly reminiscent of the hazy sky during wildfires in northwest summers. Additionally, to tie the planes into the scene, they would need to be retouched so they would accurately look like the gold sky was reflecting off them.
For the second approach, we tried adding a badge element with a game of the year label, but that in addition to the new planes made the overall layout feel busy. Plus, we would need to consider how the badge would play out in marketing fo the game, where digital ad banners for the normal edition were also very tight due to the amount of legal required for displaying licensed planes.
I thought a simple differentiator would be to turn the horizontal chevrons gold. This contrasted enough with the original’s white chevrons but not enough that it would be confused for a different title. This direction was ultimately chosen as it provided an elegant solution with the added benefit that it could be executed quickly.

Gift Card Evergreen
Goal was to create a promotional evergreen image for the Xbox gift card. The concept also needed to have animation in mind. As a starting point, client mentioned they liked the paint splatter used in a different project. Since gift card buyers are not necessarily gamers themselves, I thought it was important that the image appeal to all demographics, that it was easily understood what the gift card could be used on, and that the card is featured prominently so that the gifter could walk into a brick and mortar store and easily identify the card. Client moved forward with this concept showing an array of Xbox IP, accessories, and in-game currency, built in a way that will allow visual components to be easily swapped.

Xbox Series S holiday packaging
Special packaging for a Black Friday edition of the Xbox Series S. Turnaround was very tight, in just one week this project went from initial concepts to approved final.

Retail concepts
Examples of some other retail concepts. Top is a poster made for a presentation deck of what the future of Xbox in-store retail displays could look like. Second is a mockup of a dimensional hanging cardboard banner for the game Minecraft Legends. Bottom is a concept for how an array of games could be displayed in marketing visuals.